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Virtual Doula Support:

In-person doula support allows for the most intimate connection and can offer hands-on physical support for the duration of your labor. But that in-person support may not be for everyone. That’s why I also offer virtual doula services! The perfect option if your birth room is full, your budget doesn’t allow for in-person support or you just want that peace of mind that a trusted expert is just a text away.

virtual doula services

Package A: Virtual Preparation Doula

  • 30-minute Zoom Initial Consultation.
  • Available throughout your pregnancy through 4 weeks postpartum via phone, text, email to answer questions and provide resources.
  • Two 2 hour prenatal Zoom visits to discuss your birth preferences, how to advocate for yourself, comfort and labor progression techniques, and to answer any questions you have about pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum period.
  • DOES NOT include On-Call labor support nor postpartum support.

Cost: $750

Package B: Full Virtual Doula Services

Package includes all of the above, and: 

  • Virtual labor support* during early labor at home and at birth place through 2 hours postpartum, to coach through labor and informed decision making.
  • Virtual postpartum support, as needed, to answer questions, provide resources, talk through birth experience, check in on your healing, breast/feeding and transition to parenthood.
  • On-Call 24/7 from 38 weeks through 2 hours postpartum.

*Virtual labor support is via phone, text, FaceTime/Zoom, whatever feels right in any given moment and for however long

Cost: $1500